A small, fast, functional and scripting language for video games
Understanding the project architecture

Global architecture

The src/ folder is divided in two subfolders:

  • arkreactor/, the compiler and the runtime
  • arkscript/, the CLI and the REPL


All the builtin functions (and constants) are located in include/Ark/Builtins. Those can be used with the bytecode instructions BUILTIN id. Adding one will need to reference it in include/Ark/Builtins/Builtins.hpp and in src/arkreactor/Builtins/Builtins.cpp, and then implementing it accordingly under src/arkreactor/Builtins/[file].cpp.

For more details on how to implement on, see The ArkScript builtins.


AST optimizer and Compiler are located under include/Ark/Compiler/. This includes the Lexer, Parser, AST generation (using Nodes).

  • the Compiler calls the Parser on a given piece of code
    • the Parser calls the Lexer on the given code
      • the Lexer returns a list of tokens
    • the Parser returns an AST from the token list
  • the Compiler calls the AST optimizer on the Parser's AST
  • the Compiler generated bytecode, which can be used as is by the virtual machine, or be saved to a file

For more details on how it works, see ArkScript's compiler implementation details.

REPL (read-eval-print-loop)

Is located under include/Ark/REPL/. Basically it's an abstraction level over replxx (external library for completion and coloration in the shell) and our virtual machine to run user inputs.

Virtual Machine

It lies under include/Ark/VM/ and all the folders under it.

  • it handles the Closures which capture whole Scopes through shared_ptr. Closures are functions with a saved scope, so they can retain information over multiple calls
  • the Plugin loader is a generic DLL / SO / DYNLIB loader, used by the virtual machine to load ArkScript modules (.arkm files)
  • the Scope is how we store our mapping variable id => value, heavily optimized for our needs
  • the State is:
    • reading bytecode
    • decoding it
    • filling multiple tables with it (symbol table, value table, code pages), which are then used by the virtual machine. It allows us to load a single ArkScript bytecode file and use it in multiple virtual machines.
    • the State retains tables which are never altered by the virtual machines
    • it can also compile ArkScript code and files on the go, and run them right away
  • the UserType is how we store C++ types unknown to our virtual machine, to use them in ArkScript code
  • the Value is a very big proxy class to a variant to store our types (our custom String, double, Closure, UserType and more), thus it must stay small because it's the primitive type of the virtual machine and the language
    • it handles constness and type through a tag, alongside the value
    • it provides proxy functions to the underlying variant
  • the virtual machine handles:
    • the stack, a single array<Value, 8192> (the stack size is a define, thus it can be changed at compile time only)
    • a reference to the State, to read the tables and code segments
    • a void* user_data, retrievable by modules and C++ user functions
    • the scopes, and their destruction
    • the instructions, executed in safeRun which is enclosed in a try/catch to display tracebacks when errors occur
    • external function calls through its private call method (to call modules' functions and builtins)
    • value resolving, useful for modules when a function receives an ArkScript function, through the public method resolve

For more details, see Virtual Machine implementation details.

If you feel that this section is lacking information, please open an issue.