Embedding ArkScript in C++ code
Cmake setup
Here is a minimal CMakeLists.txt to integrate ArkScript in a project:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
# setting flags to build only what we need in ArkScript
# - no executable
# - no modules (console, http, random...)
# - disallowing access to the sys:exec command
# creating our executable
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
# adding ArkScript includes to the executable,
# linking it to the dynamic library for the language
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ArkScript/include)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ArkReactor)
target_compile_features(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE cxx_std_20)
Using ArkScript
An example is often worth a thousands words:
#include <Ark/Ark.hpp>
int main()
// A state can be shared by multiple virtual machines (note that they will NEVER modify it)
// leave constructor empty to select the default standard library (loaded from an environment variable $ARKSCRIPT_PATH/lib)
Ark::State state;
// Will automatically compile the file if needed (if not, will take it from the ark cache)
state.doString("(let foo (fun (x y) (+ x y 2)))");
Ark::VM vm(state);
If you just want to run a precompiled bytecode file:
Ark::State state;
Ark::VM vm(state);
To run an ArkScript function from C++ code and retrieve the result:
we will say the code is (let foo (fun (x y) (+ x y 2)))
auto value = vm.call("foo", 5, 6.0);
std::cout << value << "\n"; // displays 13
return 0;
Adding your own functions
#include <Ark/Ark.hpp>
Ark::Value my_function(std::vector<Ark::Value>& args, Ark::VM* vm)
// checking argument number
if (args.size() != 4)
throw std::runtime_error("my_function needs 4 arguments!");
if (!types::check(args, Ark::ValueType::Number, Ark::ValueType::Number, Ark::ValueType::Number, Ark::ValueType::Number))
{ { Ark::types::Contract { {
Ark::types::Typedef("a", ValueType::Number),
Ark::types::Typedef("b", ValueType::Number),
Ark::types::Typedef("c", ValueType::Number),
Ark::types::Typedef("d", ValueType::Number)
} } } },
auto a = args[0],
b = args[1],
c = args[2],
d = args[3];
// type is automatically deducted from the argument
return Ark::Value(a.number() * b.number() - c.number() / d.number());
int main()
Ark::State state;
state.loadFunction("my_function", my_function);
// we can also load C++ lambdas
// we could have done this after creating the VM, it would still works
// we just need to do that BEFORE we call vm.run()
state.loadFunction("foo", [](std::vector<Ark::Value>& args, Ark::VM* vm) {
return Ark::Value(static_cast<int>(args.size()));
// we can call state.doFile() before or after state.loadFunction()
state.doString("(let bar (my_function 1 2 3 1)) (let egg (foo 1 2 3))");
Ark::VM vm(state);
auto bar = vm["bar"];
std::cout << bar << "\n";
auto egg = vm["egg"];
std::cout << egg << "\n";
return 0;
Adding your own types in ArkScript
enum class Breakfast { Eggs, Bacon, Pizza };
Breakfast& getBreakfast()
static Breakfast bf = Breakfast::Pizza;
return bf;
UserType::ControlFuncs* get_cfs()
static UserType::ControlFuncs cfs;
cfs.ostream_func = [](std::ostream& os, const UserType& a) -> std::ostream& {
os << "Breakfast::";
switch (a.as<Breakfast>())
case Breakfast::Eggs: os << "Eggs"; break;
case Breakfast::Bacon: os << "Bacon"; break;
case Breakfast::Pizza: os << "Pizza"; break;
default: os << "Unknown"; break;
return os;
return &cfs;
int main()
Ark::State state;
state.loadFunction("getBreakfast", [](std::vector<Ark::Value>& n, Ark::VM* vm) -> Ark::Value {
// we need to send the address of the object, which will be casted
// to void* internally
Ark::Value v = Ark::Value(Ark::UserType(&getBreakfast()));
// register the unique control functions block for this usertype
// this cfs block can be shared between multiple usertype to reduce memory usage
return v;
state.loadFunction("useBreakfast", [](std::vector<Ark::Value>& n, Ark::VM* vm) -> Ark::Value {
if (n[0].valueType() == Ark::ValueType::User && n[0].usertype().is<Breakfast>())
std::cout << "UserType detected as an enum class Breakfast" << std::endl;
Breakfast& bf = n[0].usertype().as<Breakfast>();
std::cout << "Got " << n[0].usertype() << "\n";
if (bf == Breakfast::Pizza)
std::cout << "Good choice! Have a nice breakfast ;)" << std::endl;
return Ark::Nil;
state.doString("(begin (let a (getBreakfast)) (print a) (useBreakfast a))");
Ark::VM vm(&state);
Will print
UserType detected as an enum class Breakfast
Got Breakfast::Pizza
Good choice! Have a nice breakfast ;)
return 0;