Virtual Machine implementation details

Constructing a VM

This is done by calling the constructor of the VM, passing in a reference to an Ark::State. It won't be modified, it was made this way to be able to share a single state between multiple independent virtual machines.

Running the VM (and consequently running ArkScript bytecode)

Initializing the VM

The first step before running is to initialize the virtual machine state, this is done each time you call VM::run to reset its state (stack pointer, stack frame count, shared libs, locals, scopes) and reload the bound functions.

Running code while taking care of exceptions

This is the next function called by VM::run: VM::safeRun. As its name suggests, it runs bytecode in a safe manner, taking care of the potential exceptions. This is by far the longest method (914 lines at the time writing). It will go through every instruction, running them sequentially, and if an exception is thrown, it will be caught, the exit code of the VM will be set to 1, and a backtrace will be displayed.

Additionally, computed gotos are used here as an optimization, on compilers that support it (Clang and GCC). On other compilers, a normal loop with a switch case is used.

Backtrace generation

This is done by VM::backtrace when an exception was thrown while the VM was running. It will display at most the last 7 elements in the call stack, with the function name (if any) and the arguments with their value.