55// @role Take the value on top of the stack and put it inside a variable named following the symbol id (cf symbols table), in the nearest scope. Raise an error if it couldn't find a scope where the variable exists
66// @role If in a code segment other than the main one, quit it, and push the value on top of the stack to the new stack; should as well delete the current environment. Otherwise, acts as a #[code HALT]
73// @role Call function from its symbol id located on top of the stack. Take the given number of arguments from the top of stack and give them to the function (the first argument taken from the stack will be the last one of the function). The stack of the function is now composed of its arguments, from the first to the last one
77// @role Tell the Virtual Machine to capture the variable from the current environment. Main goal is to be able to handle closures, which need to save the environment in which they were created
93// @role Read the field named following the given symbol id (cf symbols table) of a #[code Closure] stored in TS. Pop TS and push the value of field read on the stack
113// @role Append N elements to a reference to a list (TS), the list is being mutated in-place, no new object created. Elements are stored in TS(1)..TS(N). Follows the function calling convention
117// @role Concatenate N lists to a reference to a list (TS), the list is being mutated in-place, no new object created. Lists to concat to TS are stored in TS(1)..TS(N). Follows the function calling convention
126// @role Modify a reference to a list or string (TS) by replacing the element at TS1 (must be a number) by the value in TS2. The object is mutated in-place, no new object created
129// @role Modify a reference to a list (TS) by replacing TS[TS2][TS1] by the value in TS3. TS[TS2] can be a string (if it is, TS3 must be a string). The object is mutated in-place, no new object created
263// @role Call a builtin by its id in #[code primary], with #[code secondary] arguments. Bypass the stack size check because we do not push IP/PP since builtins calls do not alter the stack